Welcome to my blog. I am so happy you are here!

I am your average working woman taking life and parenting day by day. I survive my days with lots of caffeine and celebrate my wins with a margarita or two. I have been married to my husband Anthony for ten years and we have three shorties, Dario (17), Ella (9) and Adriana (6).


Seasoned parents have drop off drills in place. As the line begins to move, I yell “grab your backpacks, masks on, it's time to tuck and roll people” then they jump out during a rolling stop. It's called efficiency. If you are still grooming your child, passing out muffins, and going through the homework from the night before the carline is not the place for you.
Having young children is an emotional roller coaster. I look forward to the end of the school year because we all need a break from homework, packing lunches, and busy schedules but I am also a nervous wreck. How will I survive eleven weeks of summer? It is a never-ending weekend.
The countdown to Kindergarten is on. Here are a few tips to help your child feel prepared for the first day of school.
Does your kid hate to read? Mine does too! Here are a few things we do to keep her engaged over the summer.
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