It's Never a Simple Trip to the Store

Wherever we go chaos seems to follow. We were on our way to Diesel’s puppy training class when I realized we were out of doggie treats. You must have training treats during class its part of the whole reward system. Usually I attend puppy class by myself, so I can concentrate on my fur baby and pay attention to the instructor.

On this day Anthony was sick so I took mercy on him and grabbed the girls to accompany me to class. I felt bad for him, we evacuated the house, so he could rest. Before entering the store, I prepped the girls that this was a quick trip we are going in for dog treats and coming out quickly. I even played it up like it was a secret mission and hit the timer on my stopwatch. Into the pet store we go.

I already knew this was a risky decision because quick trips do not exist unless I am solo. As soon as we entered the store Diesel was greeted by adoring fans. I’m biased but he is a good-looking pup and dog people are very friendly. We were stopped multiple times by shoppers who wanted to pet him, say hello and find out his breed. I was trying so hard to be nice but couldn’t these people she the shear panic in my face? Adriana had broken away from my death grip and was running around the store like the Tasmanian Devil. I had two kids going in different directions and a dog wrapping his leash around my ankles.

When I finally found Adriana, she was on top of one of those huge ladders that are like 20 feet tall and reach the ceiling. What Brainiac left this out in the middle of the store for tiny thrill seekers to climb? Oh yes, the employee who assumes well behaved children are in the store. We got her down right before getting kicked out only for me to lose her again.

This time I found her in the dog food aisle. She was tapping her foot on the pedal of the trash can at the end of the treat display. Then she sticks her hands in it and I hear “Ewww, Mommy what is this”? Feces, that is Feces Adriana put it down. She looked at me very confused. Adriana, it is dog poop from all the dogs who have had accidents in the store. She belts out a mad scientist like laugh just as we are all smacked in the face with the permeating smell. I swear she walked away with a cloud of nastiness around her.

I find Ella in the toy aisle. Adriana was right by my side helping to choose the right dinosaur. Then, poof she was gone again. Meanwhile dog lovers still want to chat me up. For the love, I just need some bacon strips and maybe a peanut butter bone. Now, I find the little one in the cat litter. Did you know at the pet store you can fill your own cat litter? Whose genius idea was this? It’s like one gigantic sand box that my child is making snow angles in. Ella has been good this entire trip which is why I haven’t lost it yet. I announce that it is time to go and we make our way to the register with what is left of dignity. By this time, I am getting that look from shoppers. The look that says I should be buying a leash for my human not my dog.

Will we make it to check out? Of course not because Adriana has to pee. I grab both girls and the dog and head to the restroom. The very dirty restroom. I am holding Diesel on his leash, holding Adriana up on the toilet and yelling to Ella to stay inside the bathroom but she leaves. I tell Adriana to hurry it up because Ella has escaped and Diesel is wrapping his leash around the leg of the bathroom stall.

By the time we left the bathroom my heart rate was up, and I had sweat beads on my brow. After surviving the gauntlet, we call PETCO we got to the parking lot just in time to find out my car won’t start.  I phoned the hubster and shed a few tears as I realized we had to go back into the store to wait in the AC. The theme of all our retail outings is Mission Impossible. Nothing is ever easy with these kiddos.

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