We made it!

I cannot believe the 2020-2021 school year has come and gone. I remember how I felt this time last year as we wrapped up an incredibly stressful ten weeks of homeschooling. I was exhausted, my nerves were shot, and my margarita consumption was at an all time high. My relationship with my older daughter was strained because I am not a teacher, for a reason. I was so relieved to be done with that chapter of the pandemic.

I agonized all summer about the decision to send Ella back to school on campus or if we should give My School Online a try. I was sucked into every chat group you could imagine that was discussing the pros and cons of wearing masks, the validity of the CDC guidelines and whether sending my child back to brick and mortar was a death sentence. My emotions were ravaged, and I changed my mind every second.

I knew in my gut that being back on campus was best option for my incoming third grader but at what cost? What is more important, her health or her education? Her health obviously but I was so worried that she would have to repeat this grade if I was her teacher again. Not to mention her mental health and mine.

Finally, as we got closer to the decision deadline, Ella came to me and begged me to go back to school in person. She knew it was best for her too and she was not afraid. She was willing to wear the mask, wash her hands constantly and keep her distance from others. So, I let her go.

Always trust your gut because I was right. She was assigned the most incredible teacher who had the courage and dedication to return to her position when so many others were pivoting in their careers or leaving their profession.

Ella’s teacher has the gift of humor which enabled her to connect with her students. Ella’s third grade year felt normal, and she did well in school.

Adriana’s return to school last October was not as stressful due to significant safety regulations that were put in place at the preschool level. However, we lost her VPK spot at the school when we withdrew her last spring due to COVID. I tried VPK at home with her because teaching the ABC’s seemed doable to me, but it just wasn’t working. She was too active and too social to be stagnant at home.

We made the jump to a new school and although the transition was challenging at first, she has really blossomed. She loves her teachers and cried on the last day of VPK because she didn’t want to leave just yet.

Reflection is a powerful thing. Last summer there were so many unknowns and for the first time as a mother I was not confident that I was making the right decision for my girls. A year later, my heart and eyes are welling up with gratitude as I think about how lucky we are. The girls had a great academic year and our entire family remained healthy. We made it!

Thank you to all the teachers out there on campus and online that made this year possible for our children. We are grateful for you!

Ella and Adriana on the last day of school 2021.

Ella and Adriana on the last day of school 2021.