What Moms Really Want on Mother’s Day


I recently learned that most moms want to fly solo on Mother’s Day. There I said it, as shocking as it sounds we do not want to be with our offspring. Of course, we love our children to the moon and back but for this day to truly be about us we need to be free. It doesn’t matter if it is four hours, twenty-four hours or an entire weekend. Momma bears need a break too.

This is a new feeling for me. Every year since I became a mother I have spent Mother’s Day weekend either hosting a birthday party for my older daughter or executing details for her upcoming event. I have spent my day glued to the kitchen table with goody bags and a label maker, stuffing pinatas, and worse- cleaning up a playroom that looked like there was a Sigma Chi frat party in it the night before.

Really, I am not complaining, it brought me great joy to celebrate my baby. However, this year is different. The last six months have been incredibly stressful with the girls from overall poor behavior, to sleep issues and school challenges. I feel tired, on the verge of snapping and in desperate need of some rest and relaxation.

I began to think about what I want for Mother’s Day (because my husband always asks) and the only answer I could come up with was to be alone. Saying this out loud made me feel like the antichrist. I mean, what mother wants to be without her kids on her special day. Would I Iose my mom card?

When I told my husband, I would like to disappear like David Copperfield he thought I was nuts. He response was, “but you’re their mother you are supposed to be with them”.    Yes, I know honey, I am with them 24/7, 365 days a year. Poof! There it was, my epiphany. I am with them ALL the time.

So, damn it, in the spirit of self-preservation I am claiming a spa day and maybe a nice quiet hotel room where I can get a solid eight hours of uninterrupted sleep. Sure, diamonds are nice but this year I want the gift of peace and quiet. I wonder what my twenty-something self would say about that?

I decided to confess my feelings to other mothers in effort to make sure I am sane and not in need of a forty-eight-hour psychiatric hold. I was so relieved when the majority of moms felt the same way. Many told me they wanted a day at the spa, a low-key getaway with friends, a day at the beach or even just reading a good book by the pool. All answers reflected the need we have to unwind and take care of ourselves and not tiny humans for just one day. One friend told me that she is unapologetically selfish and does whatever she wants on Mother’s Day because she deserves it and has been doing this for years! Mind. Blown. I truly believe there are many women out there that feel this way and have to much guilt to admit it.

My husband can make every effort to play offensive lineman and shield me from my motherly duties, but he will fail. You know that saying, “A mother’s work is never done” If I am at home celebrating with my kids I will eventually end up waiting on them, breaking up fights and probably cleaning up poop at some point. None of those things are symbolic of relaxation.

This year I am taking back Mother’s Day. I am planning to have breakfast with my family maybe a mimosa or two and then peace out. I am off for a massage and facial. As I exit the house I want to hear my husband get on the mic and announce to our girls that mommy has left the building. Don’t worry, I will be back but for now your daddy’s little sweethearts.  Some of you might be wondering, what about the Dad’s they need a break too. I completely agree! Whatever amazing escape package I receive will be completely reciprocal.

This year give the mother in your life a gift card and then kick her out of the house. She might be mad at first, but I am confident she will thank you later.