It’s Okay to Let Them Play

My husband snapped this picture on our first official day of virtual school. I was organized and full of hope. Check out the schedule I had on the white board. . . Let me tell you that enthusiasm did not last long. My husband and I had been discussing rather or not we should send our youngest to school during a pandemic. Of course we want to keep her safe but I was also worried about Adriana interfering with our older daughter, Ella’s ability to learn and complete second grade online.

Then divine intervention, I found out my marketing position was being furloughed so that made the choice much easier. We pulled her out of preschool. This was hard for me, I worried that she would regress, Miss her teacher and friends and be completely thrown of her routine- which she needs. It was the right decision but we were pushed into making it. So, I told myself I can do this I can teach preschool and second grade simultaneously no problem. I bought her workbooks, flash cards, printed out counting and alphabet worksheets etc.

But I am failing, the little one will do an activity for ten minutes and she is done. I don’t have the time or the patience to redirect her because then I am neglecting Ella’s workload and she is the one who actually needs to pass.I felt guilty for a few days like I was sacrificing one kid’s education for the other but I’m over it. . . Adriana is living her best life right now bike riding, baking, swimming and building forts with her sister. She is smart and I know she will catch up. I abandoned my schedule and we are just winging it. Right now I’m going to let them play.