Getting Help with Virtual Learning

This morning I got help. Not psychological help (although not a bad idea) but help from an emerging teacher. Since today is National Stress Awareness Day it seems only fitting to share.

Every parent in America is trying to navigate the world of virtual learning and to say it is stressful is an understatement. As we troubleshoot the challenges of educating our spawn we appreciate teachers now more than ever. It is not reasonable to think we can parent, teach and work a full time gig simultaneously and do each one of these jobs well. If you are like me you are doing what you can to get by but its not at 150 percent of our ability. It is just enough for us to stay sane and get our kids to the next grade level.

With my margarita consumption at an all time high I knew it was time to call in a pro and it was just what we needed. I partnered up with a fantastic local company called Doublemint Sitting and they paired us up with an education major who is currently teaching online and knows our struggles all to well. She came into our home for four hours and it was amazing. She worked with our preschooler whose educational needs have been on the back burner. They worked on counting and writing before helping my second grader with that looming art project I was putting off until the weekend.

The morning was a mix of academics, exercise and arts and crafts. My daughters loved it and so did we. There was zero screaming and I could hear myself think long enough to get a few of my things done. . We need help for us and for our kids. We cannot do it all and nor should we. Seek help- find a college student, retired teacher or a baby sitter with a love of learning. I don't care if it is an hour, four hours or 2-3 times per week. I plan to have her come back at least once a week.

Lower your stress level people. It’s a must!

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